
Worth the trip — Bergkamp Demos and Tours

John Halverson and John Udsuen recently toured the Bergkamp plant and traveling all the way from the City of Stoughton, WI. We were happy to host the traveling duo and afford them some of our famous Kansan hospitality. They walked away with a great understanding of our facilities and the equipment they were interested in.

John Halverson and John Udstuen pictured here touring our plant with Bill Tharrington, Territory Manager

Bill Tharrington, Territory Manager, demonstrated the SP5 Spray Injection Patcher and how Bergkamp Inc manufactures our road maintenance equipment.

 Eric Johnson and Bryant Lovin leading the plant tours for the 2016 PATCHER School. Continued training and support is the way Bergkamp Inc supports our customers for the life of their equipment. For more information, contact

Eric Johnson and Bryant Lovin also recently lead the plant tours for the 2016 PATCHER School. Continued training and support is the way Bergkamp Inc supports our customers for the life of their equipment.

For information on demos or plant tours, contact us today at

Bergkamp Inc.
Bergkamp Inc.