
Mobile Calibration Kit

Is waiting in line at the stockpile how you want to spend your workday? Are you driving to another location to calibrate wasting even more time?
Order the Bergkamp Mobile Calibration Kit and calibrate when and where you want to.

Kit includes:
1.  Bag for aggregate. (The bag has a tie-able chute at the bottom to remove aggregate)
2.  26-gallon tote for water and emulsion. (Tote is to be placed in bag to be measured)
3.  Crane scale 500lbs
4.  Hook arm. (Hook arm is a tool-less attachment that connects to the box lift arm for height.)
5.  Water and Emulsion hoses with camlocs
6.  Camloc adapter for sizes 1.5 & 1.25 camloc fittings

You’ve waited long enough, this paving season calibrate when or where you need to
all season long! Contact Dan in Parts to order.

Mobile Calibration Kit
Bergkamp Inc.
Bergkamp Inc.